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Got Dust?


Allergens in your HVAC filter and how to get rid of them

Your air conditioning unit has the tough task of keeping your home cool while the heat pounds away at your roof, and through your windows. Even during mild seasons, your air conditioner still works hard to keep indoor temperatures stable. But it does much more than simply cool your home.

It plays a vital role in catching common allergens before they make their way into your home and start waging war on your family’s respiration systems.Your air conditioner is silently protecting you from these common allergens:


It’s not just on your mantle. It’s floating in the air outside. While most homeowners battle dust mites by vacuuming and dusting, your air conditioner is the first line of defense, as it will stop dust before it even gets a chance to get into your home.


One of the most common allergens, it is particularly heavy in the spring months. If you’re bothered by pollen, you understand the struggles of simply being outside when the pollen count is high. But when you’re at home, your air conditioner’s filter is working hard to keep your allergies at bay.


Growing in dark, damp places, mold can also move by air. Commonly combated with dehumidifiers, it’s also stopped by your air conditioning unit’s filter before it even lands in your home. Mold is known to travel easily through the air, so your air conditioning unit is your home’s first line of defense.


This common ingredient in household and building products can move through the air as well. High levels of exposure will affect anyone, but some people experience allergic reactions to even small amounts of it. If you do experience allergic reactions to formaldehyde, it’s absolutely vital to ensure that your air conditioning unit is catching it before it gets into your home. But your air conditioner needs helps catching these allergens, and the many others.

Filters need to be replaced every three to six months to ensure that they are operating at maximum efficiency. Filters quickly become full of the allergens and other pollutants, and continuing to run an air conditioner with a dirty filter will allow these allergens to seep into your home more frequently.Of course, the outlook is even bleaker if you forgo a filter entirely. Allergens and dirt will run through your system unchecked, interfering with heat transfer and collecting on coils, forcing your compressor to work overtime. You will notice higher bills, and eventually an air conditioning unit beyond repair.

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